About Bernardo Dias da Cruz

I'm the author and developer of this site. Here I share my random thoughts about web development and everything else that I consider meaningful on a professional scope.
Information technology can be an art and manage all this abstract material have a quite wide range of ways. I'm specialized on user experience, on the client-side of web development. Have been doing code for browsers since 2005 and my expertise is based on over a hundred projects made.
To outline a few of my experiences:
- Trained in entrepreneurship, owner attitude (http://www.empretec.net/)
- Marketing research and brainstorming of ideas
- Bootstrapping projects using front-end architecture for scaling
- Planning and coordinating development
- Leading development teams, supporting teammates
- Analysis of problems with solutions research
- User experience and bulletproofing user interface
Drop me an email at [email protected].
Call me on germchaos.skype
or by the phone +55 12 99123-5196
Follow me on github.com/bernardodiasc and twitter.com/bernardodiasc.